Swedish Massage
Is a type of massage whose main purpose is to eliminated tension and firm up muscles and joints, its inurgarating and relaxing effect favors blood and lymphatic circulation and the elimination of a great number of toxins, if also helps to body to regain its natural balance.
Among its benefits we find:
If you have given yourself a relaxing massage before, you will probably identify some of the benefits that we highlight below:
- Relax the body and mind, promoting deep breathing and eliminating the feeling of anxiety.
- Reduces and eliminates muscle aches, such as knots, pulls or contractures.
- Strengthens blood circulation, thereby increasing the supply of oxygen in organs and tissues.
- It improves the nervous system.
- Create a feeling of well-being.
- It helps to eliminate toxins and dead cells, thanks to a greater amount of lymphatic fluid flow, which achieves a healthier, smoother and prettier skin.
- Recover energy and accumulated fatigue (promoted by stress, exercise or physical exertion).
- It contributes to nutrient digestion and waste disposal.
- Increase natural defenses.
- Stimulates sexual appetite, because it improves areas such as self-esteem and vital energy.
Price For 1 Hour
- 1 Hour